Context that will be needed to understand what's being read:
OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS x86_64
Host: AMD 3.0
DE: GNOME 42.9
Crash Vocab:
Pop!_OS - Open Source Linux Distro. Based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian. An amalgamate of open source. Made & maintaned by System76 based in Colorado (Moar info here)
GNOME - Desktop Environment designed for unix systems (usually linux distros). Has a long history dating to the late 20th century
AppImage: Executable file. A binary that can be run on a variety of linux distributions.
Github: Nest of Linux App Devs who like to make apps.
So I was using PostyBirb yeah? The original one before I discovered the author wasn't updating it anymore. I was trying log in deviantart through the app because it's for mass uploading artwork. Uploading is the most autonomous task and it's not fun clicking through each and every website I use for posting my work and decided it would be useful. No. Deviantart didn't like the browser I was using and kept me logged out.
To Github! I'm not joining the fucking discord.
I'm reading the web page- I find out it's not being updated anymore and said author-- who I downloaded postybirb from made a new iteration of the app from scratch. It's Postybirb+. I can't help except wonder what went wrong with the older app for bro to totally abandon it. Probably none of my business. I snatch the .AppImage and run it. It's the same thing as before except for a few tweaks in the GUI and at least a few dozen more adults-only furry sites. Wonderful! Like I needed to know more about those sites. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN ADDED SHEEZY.ART YET. At least I got to use the one feature it's used for. Expect an illustration on Sunday morning yeah?
Here are my biggest problems with how people use the internet to provide services.
- Joining a discord server is almost required to make any progress, or solve a problem than just making a blog and shooting a dev an e-mail about problems with their latest developments. A blog is not only more accessible it means I can get straight to the point of whatever I want to know about it. I want to read about the latest developments, I want to subscribe to a newsletter and I want it in my inbox. I did the join-the-discord-to-solve-problems thing for Lutris because I used to play League of Legends on my PC before they barred every linux user from playing. I got treated like shit for understanding a problem because I was under the impression that my problem was too specific for the criteria of troubleshooting that's available on Github.
- Said discord servers are full of users who are shitposting and I have to flip a coin with a keyword and hope I find a similar problem I have and thus a solution. Reddit kinda does the same thing but it's a perpetual Burning Library of Alexandria because mods are on a deleting rampage every other day (maybe to save on server costs? do they get paid to do that?)
- More likely than not these authors don't have a YouTube channel. Let me get to know you! Social media is not an empty vacuum that feeds on itself. Rather it feeds on the notes we leave each other to read.
Typing all this out makes me think... Do I do anything others may complain about? They'd totally have cause and I'm afraid I come off as a scammer asking for donations while doing nothing in return to earn the money. Are there any critical mistakes artists working online might make that might fuck them over in the long run? What are some things you've done and come to address it at least?