yoooooooooo shiny corn
yoooooooooo shiny corn
are you sure about this piece being rated E for everyone? It's very revealing.
I feel like there's a lot of empty space going on and the piece doesn't come off as in intense like it should be. Maybe a background or something that revolved around the beam thing would have made it pop. It is a really nice piece, don't get me wrong, but I wish more time was put into it.
It sucks, i donĀ“t like too haha
thaks for your opinion, really helpful.
one of these damn comments did not pass the vibe check
Dad in this pic reminds me of my uncle
My dude is looking like Gordan Ramsey and he just cut into a pomergranate.
Graduated College May 2024
Wants to come up with a routine with uploading at least biweekly.
will shitpost often.
in a house.
Joined on 11/27/20